В сборнике материалов ХІ конференции, посвященной памяти проф. П. О. Карышковского Стародавнє Причорномор’я. Випуск ХІ. Одеса. 2016 р. С. 386-392 , опубликована моя статья Новые сведения об ольвийских эпонимах.
Some modern data about the eponyms of Olbia are compared with the materials of the article of P.O. Karyshkovskij “The eponyms of Olbia” (1978). The catalogue of eponyms IosPE. I2. 201 contains: 105 BC—the year of Apollo (IosPE. I2. 35), 97 BC — the year of Anaximenos (IOlb. 30). The inscriptions of Olbia with eponymous formula (IosPE. I2. 33, 35; IOlb. 30, 75) date to the turn of the ΙΙ-Ι centuries BC (this is the period of “early” Mithridates VI Eupator). Probably, the state documents of Olbia were controlled by non-official representatives of Mithridates –the foreigners (Stephen, the son of Alexander, the son of Zobios). Obviously, Mithridates had been preparing in subordinated polis for the transition to the era of Bosporus. The catalogue of eponyms of Olbia IosPE. I2. 201 was stopped and fixed in stone in about 95 year BC.